The Sega Master System is a very affordable Console to get started with, due to its widespread availability. You’ll often find them at Car Boot Sales and on Ebay from between £5 and £15 for a basic setup. I’d personally recommend buying a Master System 1 rather than a Master System 2 as the Master System 1 allows you to play the games that came on a card instead of on cartridge. Also, the console itself is aesthetically more appealing and also includes a pause button which was done away with on the remodelled Master System 2.

Recommended Master System Hardware

  • The Master System itself
  • A Power Supply
  • An aerial lead
  • Two pads, as there are plenty of excellent two-player games
  • Optional extras to consider would be the Sega Light Phaser which supports a number of great games including Rambo III and Rescue Mission. Also, the 3D glasses are well worth getting if you can pick them up cheaply – a number of games support them, including Out Run 3D, Zaxxon 3D and Line of Fire.

Personal Game Recommendations

  • RPG – Wonder Boy III – The Dragon’s Trap, Golvellius
  • Sports – California Games, Golfamania
  • Platform – Psycho Fox
  • Shoot-em-up – Fantasy Zone I & II

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